Monday, December 15, 2008

Blog 8: Commentary on Politico Goes Commando

I drove through a Ford parking lot last week and was surprised to find half the parking lot full of F150s. I drive a compact car, but had the gas prices not gone down, my bike (pink bedazzles and all) would have been drug out of the attic and become my main source of transportation. I would have only used my car for that quarterly trip to Wal-mart for kitty litter. The bulk bag is 18 cents cheaper per pound, but there is no way I could cycle that baby all the way home. It should be obvious that if I am willing to trade in my little car for my Hello Kitty bike no one in their right mind is purchasing trucks right now.
I agree with Politico Goes Commando that American Auto Makers are over producing unsatisfactory products. Politico’s blog is well written and to the point. I also agree that it’s a little too late for the companies to be looking into a smarter way to make cars. This isn’t a 7th grade Design Your Own Company Project where you can just file a request for more money because you screwed up. An intelligent businessman predicts future changes in preference or style and changes with the tide. I feel for the workers and the workers in other fields that will suffer subsequently, but isn’t there another way around this besides taking more money out of my pocket? Maybe the financial institutions gave every failed company who convinces Congress to squeeze more money out of the hardworking Americans to pay for their stupidity a bad name. But if I am going to pay for a “Wellness Retreat” it is going to be for the Father of four who just got laid off not the executives who make more in a month than my entire family of eight’s annual salaries combined.

Blog 7: Big Girls Don't Cry

I over drafted my bank-account last week by 47 cents and was charged a $45 overdraft fee. Yet my bank and many others overdraft their accounts by trillions and are just handed the money by the government. Reports flooded the internet recently claiming that the banks used the money to get stone massages and pay those ten million dollar Christmas bonuses that were promised to their executives. Why isn’t something being done about this? (..Besides proposing to give out more money to failed businesses.) Maybe those rumors aren’t true, but I have no way to know without hacking into the companies’ financial statements. And I am too young to go prison. America was built on the idea that less government interference was better. If this applies to regulating companies, shouldn’t it apply to saving them? My economics professor said that we shouldn’t let companies get so big that if they fail we fail. But it wouldn’t be very American to deny a large company the chance to grub more money.
We need to choose one way or the other. If we don’t want big brother having a say in everything that we do than we can’t run crying to big brother when we get our lunch money stolen.

Friday, November 14, 2008

"Sarah Palin and the Priceless Wardrobe" Commentary

Maria’s commentary on “Sarah Palin and the priceless wardrobe” was an informative piece that highlighted Maria’s discontent with the media raping that Sarah Palin received for her $150,000 wardrobe. When Maria mentioned Hilary Clinton’s wardrobe I remembered how often I heard about her pantsuits when she was in the running. It seemed as if every time her name came up – somebody said “oooh I like those sexy pantsuits” jokingly or “she is definitely a dike, she just married Bill for his connections.” When applying for a job one is supposed to dress the part. (Especially a position in the public eye) In order for you to vote for Sarah Palin for Vice President, you have to picture her as a vice president. If she were to have toured the country in her sweaters with moose sewn on the front she wouldn’t have been taken seriously. I am not sure why Maria said, “I should be outraged, but I am not” yet goes on to talk about the benefits of Palin’s stylish eye. I don’t understand why anyone was outraged. Millions of dollars go into making commercials. Imagine how much money has been spent just to make sure that the Sunny D looks glowing. Palin is selling herself, it is only logical that she would need to spend money to look her best. I agree with Maria that Palin was simply trying to look vice presidential.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Voter Suppression?!?

Accusations against ACORN, Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, have recently flooded the news. The organization has been accused of fraudulently registering voters. Seven of their employees in Washington have already been charged and thousands of registrations are being investigated. The Nevada branch of ACORN even registered the Dallas Cowboys’ football team. With this much evidence of voter registration fraud what is prohibiting the states from creating stricter requirements?
Arizona currently requires proof of citizenship to vote and many other states are considering the same. The New York Times claimed that this “measure could lead to the disenfranchisement of tens of thousands of legal residents who would find it difficult to prove their citizenship.”
The United States has been deemed the “Land of Opportunity” for many reasons. People of all races and financial conditions begin at the same starting line. So when did that opportunity turn into entitlement? People want more, but want to do less.
In order to obtain a license or photo ID that states that one is 21, and of age to drink, a birth certificate or social security card has to be provided to the DMV. No matter an individual’s financial situation, they take the time to get the proper documents so they can go downtown. Why can’t they find the time to get the proper documents to vote?
The elite in many countries choose the leaders. Like the president or not, in America everyone chose him. Then four years later, has the opportunity to choose him again or choose someone else. Americans need to realize that voting is an honor and a privilege; with that comes responsibility. And the government needs to stop allowing adults to act like children. It is necessary to implement procedures to insure that the integrity of our democracy is being upheld.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Are 84% lying when they say they would never lie?

Ann Coulter’s blog EIGHTY-FOUR PERCENT SAY THEY'D NEVER LIE TO A POLLSTER is an informative piece written to bring encouragement to republican voters. The blog appeared on Coulter’s website Ann is an author with well known Republican views. One of her books to make it to the New York Times Bestsellers’ list was titled If Democrats Had Any Brains They’d Be Republicans. She has even been referred to as the Michael Moore of Republicans. The people who visit her website frequently are most likely Right-Wingers. Her crudeness and intensity of her opinions don’t leave room for many others.

Coulter’s most recent blog questioned the authenticity of answers Americans provide when being polled. Coulter suggested that because it was less “cool” to vote for McCain then for Obama people might just say they were voting for Obama when asked. Ann began the blog with a statement reminding Americans of the Bradley Effect. Originating in 1982, the Bradley Effect claims that Black people tend to poll higher because Americans are afraid if they say no they will be considered a racist.

Coulter reviewed polls dating back as far at 1976 and presented a logical argument against the accuracy of Obama’s place at the polls. Coulter’s argument was well written and simple. Although, with social barriers being shattered in recent years, it is hard to say whether The Bradley Effect will carry on to this election as well. Either way, Coulter’s blog gave Republicans reason to hope when the reasons seem to be shrinking fast.

Friday, September 19, 2008

David Diane

This article tells how David Schroer was offered a job at the Library of Congress; then was denied the job when he voiced his intentions to have a sex change and become a woman. David, now Diane, sued the library and recently went to court. This article is important to read because it illustrates how the constitution effects court rulings.

Unconventional sexuality seems to be a hot topic recently. Americans are discussing whether it's wrong or right or even if it's pleasing to God. Many want to make gay marriage illegal and have an amendment made to the constitution.

Schroer's case is interesting because the focus wasn't on whether his sexual or lifestyle preferences were right. This case focused on the legality of the way David was treated. U.S. District Court Judge James Robinson ruled that "Schroer's civil rights were violated." And according to the Constitution, they were.