Friday, September 19, 2008

David Diane

This article tells how David Schroer was offered a job at the Library of Congress; then was denied the job when he voiced his intentions to have a sex change and become a woman. David, now Diane, sued the library and recently went to court. This article is important to read because it illustrates how the constitution effects court rulings.

Unconventional sexuality seems to be a hot topic recently. Americans are discussing whether it's wrong or right or even if it's pleasing to God. Many want to make gay marriage illegal and have an amendment made to the constitution.

Schroer's case is interesting because the focus wasn't on whether his sexual or lifestyle preferences were right. This case focused on the legality of the way David was treated. U.S. District Court Judge James Robinson ruled that "Schroer's civil rights were violated." And according to the Constitution, they were.

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